Thursday, 21 May 2015

Broadhead Test: Mechanical Vs. Sheet Metal

Today I'm going to speak about some of the best broadhead to hunt deers, feral hogs and boars.

Dead Ringer Super Freak
The Super Freak features an aircraft-grade aluminum ferrule and case-hardened, stainless-steel, trocar tip. Patented setscrew adjustments give the archer a choice between 1.75-inch and 2.25-inch cutting diameters. Spring stainless steel blades measure .032-inch thick and are tested to 185,000 foot-pounds of shear strength. The partially exposed blades make a .75-inch cut upon impact before over-the-top deployment to the full 1.75-inch diameter.
G5 Havoc
The Havoc is a 2-blade design that incorporates a no-screws blade capture at the front end and G5’s Dual Trap blade-retention system that holds the rear of the blades securely until impact. An all-steel collar and elastomeric ring, which make up the Dual Trap, are designed to provide strength and reliability. The Lutz blades are .03-inch thick and reach a 2-inch cutting diameter when fully deployed. The stainless steel ferrule terminates in a cut-on-contact tip

Hunga Munga
The Hunga Munga features a 3-blade design that opens to a 1 7⁄16-inch cutting diameter. Blades are able to open independently and follow what the company calls a “Meat Scoop,” which pushes impact material into the blade to force deployment. A blade clip snugly secures each blade before and during flight, eliminating the need for O-rings or rubber bands and also reduces noise from rattling. The tip-forward design is intended to reduce deflection on steeply angled shots

Innerloc EXP 2-Blade
The EXP 2-Blade uses a small spring clip that acts as the pivot point for the blades and also applies a small amount of pressure that retains the blades in flight. A “cam” built into the blades interacts with the clip and actually varies the amount of tension they experience throughout the deployment process. Another unique feature is found in the two-function collar that can be flipped for two cutting-diameter choices — 1.125 inches and 1.44 inches. Stainless steel components are designed to get the job done regardless of weather or temperature.

NAP Spitfire Maxx
The Spitfire Maxx carries a larger cutting diameter than the original, with an advertised reach of 1.75 inches. No O-rings or rubber bands are needed, as NAP uses a unique, pressure-retention system to keep the .03-inch blades secure until impact. NAP’s patented, micro-groove ferrule is advertised to improve flight characteristics and penetration, while the Diamize sharpened blades are said to cause massive hemorrhaging.
No Limit Archery Grave Digger
A combination of fixed and mechanical blades makes the Grave Digger unique among our contenders. A cut-on-contact blade made from 420 stainless steel forms the tip and creates a 1-inch cutting diameter, while the curved, mechanical blades open to a 1.75-inch cut. The curvature actually protrudes somewhat when closed, causing the mechanical blades to catch on the impact material and forcing them to deploy.


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